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Grammer in Scene Headings

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I'm wondering if it's not Storyist that is giving you the swiggle, but Snow Leopard itself, via the system wide spell check. That's my guess.


Or, is it you're running a spell check and it's highlighting those? There should be a way to add both of them to the dictionary or hit "ignore all" so they don't come up anymore.


We'll have to wait for Steve or someone to stop by and enlighten us.

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I'm wondering if it's not Storyist that is giving you the swiggle, but Snow Leopard itself, via the system wide spell check. That's my guess.


Or, is it you're running a spell check and it's highlighting those? There should be a way to add both of them to the dictionary or hit "ignore all" so they don't come up anymore.


We'll have to wait for Steve or someone to stop by and enlighten us.


Ahh that's possible.

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Shouldn't Storyist already know that INT. is not a grammatical error and not highlight EXT. and INT. in the script everywhere, which happens to look like it will be a lot?

It's worth pointing out that I don't get the squiggle for INT (etcetera) but only for actual misspellings. I used to get it for a weird character name, although this was in the Novel template, until I added it to the spell-check exceptions list.


But I think TAS has a point. Special words and Character names (and Setting names, etcetera) should automatically be excused by the spelling checker. If you change the name then it should be changed in the exceptions list.


Still riding the Tiger (but for how much longer?)

- Thoth

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Okay, so I opened up Storyist and opened the Screenplay template. I left it as is. I was seeing the red squiggles under the character names, but no green squiggles under INT. I clicked Edit>Spelling And Grammar>Show Spelling And Grammar. The Spell check window came up, and it was only showing the misspellings. Then I saw that the "Check Grammar" box was unchecked. As soon as I checked that, to turn it on, the green squiggles appeared under INT. etc.


So, I think the quick solution is to open your spelling and grammar window and turn that option off.


Now, as for it recognizing it. I think it's viewing it as a fragmented sentence (since another short fragment sentence got a squiggle as well). I remember in Darth Processor, there was the option to ignore ALL CAPS, in the spelling/grammar. I wonder if there is a way to set Storyist to do this as well.


It would be nice for Storyist to excuse those things, but I don't know how it would work other than the user adding them manually?


Perhaps until the Snow Leopard bites you and carries you off.

- Jools

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Okay, so I opened up Storyist and opened the Screenplay template. I left it as is. I was seeing the red squiggles under the character names, but no green squiggles under INT. I clicked Edit>Spelling And Grammar>Show Spelling And Grammar. The Spell check window came up, and it was only showing the misspellings. Then I saw that the "Check Grammar" box was unchecked. As soon as I checked that, to turn it on, the green squiggles appeared under INT. etc.


So, I think the quick solution is to open your spelling and grammar window and turn that option off.


So Jules (Jools?) is right on several counts: The behavior is the default OS X grammar checker behavior, and you can turn it off.


I'm not aware of a straight-forward mechanism to selectively turn off grammar checking, but I'll look into it.


That said, I think that grammar checking screenplays is next to useless.


1) Unless you're writing a screenplay with a cast of Harvard professors, the grammar in dialog is going to be decidedly ungrammatical. At least if you want it to sound natural it is.


2) Sentence fragments are common in screenplay action and shot elements. Grammar checkers hate fragments.



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