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Importing Final Draft RTF Files


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When Final Draft exports a script as RTF, it includes the page margins in the paragraph style definitions. For example: In a script with left margins set to 1.5", Final Draft does not export page margins, but instead adds 1.5" to the left indent of all paragraph styles (SCENE HEADING, ACTION, etc...).


You could import this RTF file into Storyist with no changes. However, using the Script Import Assistant, you can make some adjustments "on the way in" to make it easier to adjust margin settings later.

  1. Open the Final Draft RTF file.
  2. From the template chooser that appears, choose the "Screenplay" template.
  3. In "Step 1 of 2: Scene Headings", leave the "Apply heading styles..." checkbox unchecked.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the "Step 2 of 2: Style Substitution", check the "Substitute new styles for imported styles" checkbox.
  6. In the style table, assign new (template) styles to the imported styles. E.g. SCENE HEADING -> Scene Heading, ACTION -> Action.
  7. Check the "Preserve style overrides" checkbox.
  8. Click Import.

As your script is imported, the Final Draft styles are replaced by the styles from the template you selected.

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