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Happy TLAP Day

Steve E

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It's a bit late for Silly Season, but there is a pirate connection. Der Spiegel reported yesterday that one of the leaders of the German Pirate Party, which exists to promote the idea that information must be free, has been caught threatening people with suits for copyright infringement in regard to her own book: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/a-856468.html.


What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too. A perfectly piratical philosophy! :lol:

Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum to ye, me hearties,


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Then again...If it's talk like a pirate day, shouldn't we be speaking Somalian?

If you're a Somali pirate, definitely. Otherwise, pick your nationality, real or fantastic, and carry on me hearty.


Orren "modern Piracy's not as fun" Merton

No reason you have to be the thieving and kidnapping kind of pirate.

You might enjoy being the Gilbert & Sullivan type better.

"With cat-like tread, upon our prey we steal..."


It's a bit late for Silly Season, but there is a pirate connection. Der Spiegel reported yesterday that one of the leaders of the German Pirate Party, which exists to promote the idea that information must be free, has been caught threatening people with suits for copyright infringement in regard to her own book: http://www.spiegel.d.../a-856468.html.

My german is a little rusty. But I like the cover shots.


What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too. A perfectly piratical philosophy! :lol:

Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum to ye, me hearties,


Thanks for the rum, M. It'll go great with my cherry tonic.


Yo ho ho and a bottle o' Sprite.

-Captain Thoth

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My german is a little rusty. But I like the cover shots.


Thanks for the rum, M. It'll go great with my cherry tonic.


Yo ho ho and a bottle o' Sprite.

-Captain Thoth

It was in English when I read it. Sorry if I posted the wrong link. The curse of text manipulation on the iPad! ;)

Enjoy that Sprite, Cap'n.


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