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Hello, hello,


I see that zoom has been discussed in several posts, but there does not seem to be consistent thread on this topic in one place. Feature requests seems to be the best place to garner support from Storyist fans and I hope everyone who agrees will post a "yes, please, really need improved zoom"! ;)


I have been using Storyist for over a week and am very happy with it because it allows me to be completely non-linear and linear at the same time. :)


However, one major problem is the tiny fonts used throughout the product, and in particular, in outlines and storyboard. Using the Mac zoom functions causes a major break in creative flow (as noted elsewhere). It would be nice to be able not squint to read the project outline, script outline, and storyboard cards, and not have to constantly zoom in and out using Mac zoom keys.


It seems to me that it should be possible to zoom consistently across the entire product and in particular zoom text (and have that size be the default font size for the entire product or project).


I hope this is a useful post to attract votes for this acutely needed enhancement. :) :) :)


Brian Quigley


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