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Navigating to pages


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Hi jtempler,


There isn't a Go To Page command in the current version. (There is one in version 2.5, which will be out in a few weeks).


The Getting Started section of the Help file has a error. It should read "Click the Navigation bar popup and select the section you are looking for" not "Click the Navigation bar popup and select the page you are looking for."


I apologize for the confusion.



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  • 7 months later...

What about jumping to the end of the manuscript?


My chapters are typically 50 pages long with several sections. I end up selecting the last section and scrolling to the end, but as I go back and check things I've already written regularly, If there were a "goto end" button that would be very helpful.


The Back arrow doesn't do it...

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Hi thewitt,


The Home and End keys will take you to the top and bottom of a document respectively.


If you're using a laptop, you won't have these keys, but you can use the fn key to access the functionality as follows:


home: fn + left arrow

end: fn + right arrow


Storyist also has shortcuts to move between sections and chapters. See Help > Show Keyboard Shortcuts for more information.



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Thank you Steve,


The Keyboard Shortcuts shows


Move to the end of the document End or Command-Down Arrow


Command-Down Arrow doesn't seem to do that...


Seems this one is incorrect.


Function + Right Arrow takes me to the end, which is hugely helpful.


Thank you!



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