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How to add a Table and/or how to best add a poem for eBook conversion


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1. How could I add a Table to my Novel?


2. What is the best way to add a poem so the .mobi file respects the line break at the end of each line in a verse?

I found that after conversion to a .mobi file the line break was not honored. If I use a normal 'Enter' at the end

of each line then the .mobi file adds an empty line after each text line of the poem.


Question 1 is really to find out if I could get the peom in as a table and perhaps the eBook

conversion would then honor that format.


Any idea is appreciated,




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Normal,


Formatting poetry for ebook publication is surprisingly difficult. If the formatting you're looking for is mostly line spacing and indentation, you could define paragraph styles for the lines.


Or, if you're comfortable with HTML/CSS, you could export export your ebook as usual and then use something like Sigil to fine tune the poems using the techniques described in this article.



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To add to what Steve said, if you really want to get into the weeds of ePub format, there is an option called "Fixed Layout" ePub. Right now, I think the only WYSIWYG applications for fixed layout ePubs are InDesign and iBooks Author, although iBooks Author doesn't really pump out an ePub v3 format fixed layout eBook, it uses it's own iBooks proprietary stuff. But InDesign will export an ePub v3 that you can convert to a Kindle v8 file which will also be fixed layout on the Kindle. http://www.idpf.org/epub/fxl/



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