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Just passed 10,000 words and finished chapter two!!!


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Thanks I'm just trying to FINISH this task.

There doesn't seem to be enough spare hours in the day. The NaNo people say, "Just write with abandon." I can't do that. When I try the results look terrible and I spend even more time fixing it than I did writing it. I know, save the editing for December. I can't do that. Not completely. But I'm making progress. I'm deliberately ignoring some obvious flaws in the plot. It makes my head hurt but I'm doing it.


Still struggling,

- Thoth.

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I'm going to log off now and write some more.

Thanks you two.

- Thoth.


I feel the pressure a bit, I stand just over 12k right now and the lead I have between words written and my daily goal seems to be shortening. The week should allow more time I want 15k by Sun night.

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