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Storyist 3 Overview for Scrivener Users


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  • 5 months later...

Great Faq! I'm still stuck on one concept/question, though. Is there a recommended format for the scrivener project that's being opened? In Scrivener, I tended to have a folder for each chapter, and individual text files for each scene. This opened ok, the synopsis data was intact (yay), but there doesn't seem to be any way to merge the files together in a more Storyist format. Instead what I have are a hundred or so individual files that are like individual little entities instead of a single whole. Am I missing something obvious? I admit, it took me a few to realize I needed to highlight the text in order to change the style, so it's possible I missed something straight forward. Thanks!

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Hi, kodermike, and welcome to the forums!

I asked this question, too, and at the moment you have to merge the documents in Scrivener, then import the merged file to Storyist. Long-term Storyist users (like me) are accustomed to having all the text in one big document delineated by chapters and sections that are not separate files (but can be moved around as though they were). Scrivener users, who aren't, have had trouble making the adjustment and wonder why things aren't working as they expect—or so I'm told. So it's left up to the user to decide how much merging s/he wants to do before import.


Everything does import, as you have seen, and it closely resembles the Scrivener structure, whatever that was.



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Thanks! I suspected that was the case <_< Logically, it makes sense, just a shame since it means losing a lot of the synopsis info I maintained (or jumbling it together). Bah, growing pains are part of life I suppose. Thanks again for the quick reply!



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