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changing default


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Hi Hopeso,


Welcome back.


The style names in the stage play template are Act, Character, Character Direction, Dialogue, First Scene Heading, Scene Direction, Scene Heading, and Stage Direction.


Perhaps you're looking at the screenplay template?



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Steve,

Back again.

After many hours of trying, I'm still having problem with getting the Stage Play default style the way I had it a few months ago on my iMac.

I've gone to default style and changed every item--character, dialogue, directions etc.--to what I want. That is--text-Lucida, size 14. But it reverts back to Courier 12 when I add another character.

I used to type in a character's name and it would automatically cap the name, move it to center, and move the cursor to the next line for dialogue. Is that still possible.

One more item. I've tried to do the shortcuts but don't work for me. I don't know what this sign is--^command 6. I thought the "^" meant to shift. What does it mean?

Any help would be appreciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for info on control key.

Here's a sample of my manuscript problem.

Gloria is my default--Lucida Grande 14pt. When I add Daniel it goes down to Courier 12 pt.

If I add something to Gloria's line it continues with her Lucida fornt and size.


No. Thank heavens. (Giggles)

Do you...

I still have a lot to learn about Storyist. But I'm getting ready to send my manuscripts to competitions and I need to get a consistent, reliable format--before I go CRAZY.

Another item. I thought that replies to my questions were indicated in my email address. Not this time. Did I do something? Or change by Storyist.

Thanks for your help.



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Hi David,


On the font issue: How are your character and dialog styles defined? Check to make sure that they specify Lucida Grande 14pt too.


I'm not sure what you're asking in the question about your email address. Are you not seeing your replies posted to this thread in the forum?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

Still have problems. My template is Stage Play.

I've highlighted all the text to Lucinda Grande 12.

When I scroll down to Character I make sure it's LG12.

I hit the return key, then go down to Dialogue; the text goes to Courier 12. ?????


No. Thank heavens. (Giggles)

Do you...


I think I should be able to get a consistent text and style. Do I need to wait until my script is finished, then hightlight all the text and change to whatever font and size I want ? That would be a bummer.

AND, I've had a new computer (iMAC) for the last 4-5 months. Maybe it's my keyboard, but I can't change Text to Italics.

I'm lost and need some help if I'm ever to get a play finished so I can get a Tony.



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Hi David,


Simply selecting all and then changing a style doesn't edit the style definitions. What font do you have set for the Dialogue style? It sounds like it is Courier 12.


When you press the return key at the end of a line, Storyist applies the formatting attributes for the current style's "Next Style" to the new line. For example, since the "Next Style" in the Character style is "Dialogue," placing the cursor at the end of a character name and pressing return will apply the formatting for the "Dialogue" style to the new line.


In the template, the font for the Dialogue style is Courier.


If you want to change the fonts used for your script, do this:

  1. Select all and apply the desired font. (It sounds like you've done this.)
  2. Position the cursor in a properly formatted scene heading and choose Format > Style > Redefine Style from Selection.
  3. Position the cursor in a properly formatted scene direction paragraph and choose Format > Style > Redefine Style from Selection.
  4. Repeat for the remaining styles in the script.

Alternatively, you could edit each style and change the font in the style editor.



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