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My File Has Mysteriously Vanished


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For some reason when I opened the Storyist on my iPad earlier the primary file in which I've been using over the past few years had vanished. It wasn't in the deleted files and I NEED that file. It has the most important information in my life on it and is the only reason why I still use my crappy iPad. Before you respond you should also know that the internet no longer works on the device and I can't restore the iPad thanks to a paradoxical error in the machine making my situation even better. i really need help if someone could figure this out.

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Hi AuronDeLirom


I can help with that. Let me ask you a few questions:

1. What versions of Storyist and iOS are you using?

2. Did you set up Storyist to store your files in iCloud, in Dropbox, or on your iPad-only. See http://storyist.com/ios/docs/#choosing-a-storage-location

3. When you say "reset the iPad," did you mean

a. you restarted the iPad by powering it off and then on

b. you deleted the app and reinstalled the Storyist app

c. you reset the iPad using the "Reset All Settings" or "Erase All Content and Settings" switches in the General pane of the Settings app.

Storyist keeps deleted files around for at least 30 days, so if you accidentally deleted the file, you should be able to restore it as follows:

  1. Return to the Storyist home screen.
  2. Tap Edit.
  3. The the Versions (umbrella) icon.
  4. Choose Show Deleted items.

You'll find more information about the Versions browser here: http://storyist.com/ios/docs/#backing-up-your-work

Please note that deleting the Storyist app also removes your Storyist files from the device. If you set up your iPad to store file in iCloud or Dropbox, you can recover them by visiting http://iCloud.com or http://dropbox.com respectively.


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