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The Story of Steakpirate


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After much inquiry, I've decided to reveal the story behind the name Steakpirate.


I don't quite remember when the term was first coined or why. But as far as I can recall there's no real grand tale behind it. In youth I was quite the fiend when it came to the consumption of seasoned meats. Be it burger or brisket, roast beef or steak, when a meat-based dinner was on the table, I would always eat until I was a little more than full. I became quite famous among my family for my voracious appetite for all substances derived from cow, and my loose hand with the salt shaker.


I've always been a glutton. I even invented the idea of a "Dessert Space" to bypass the normal regulations of vegetable to meat consumption ratios. It functions on the hypothesis that there is special pocket or area of the stomach reserved specifically for the handling of dessert-like sweets, that will remain empty over the course of the meal. Thus regardless of your level of fullness, you will still be able to consume an unreasonable amount of dessert.


As for the name "Steakpirate" itself, it's fairly weathered in its age. I think it was first employed when I was creating my livejournal, many, many moons ago, it was something that my sister suggested when I was drawing blanks for usernames. I was never a fan of the whole "genericStupidname###" system of naming.

It was something I thought particularly intriguing, and so I gave it a whirl. It has served me well ever since.


I'm sorry to say I was not raised on a pirate ship, nothing so fantastic. I just might however, write a short story about the infamous Steak Pirate and how the name Should have been earned.


Until I can think of it, though, you may want to keep an eye on your cattle;

The grill on my balcony is compliant with the dormitory housing codes :P

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