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Title Page

John M

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Hi John,


There are a couple of options.


You could simply type one at the start of the manuscript and format it as you want it.


You could also use the title page that comes with the template and keep it in a separate file in the project. You'd then assemble it after printing it. If you want to create a PDF, save both the title page and the manuscript as a PDF and use the Preview app to merge them into one file.


Best Regards,

Steve Shepard

Storyist Software

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There are a couple of options.

You could simply type one at the start of the manuscript and format it as you want it.

You could also use the title page that comes with the template and keep it in a separate file in the project. You'd then assemble it after printing it. If you want to create a PDF, save both the title page and the manuscript as a PDF and use the Preview app to merge them into one file.


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Hi bigiggy,


You're correct--and this is on the list for a future release. However, there is a mechanism for setting page breaks, which to use the "page break before" setting on a paragraph style.


The Chapter Title style uses this, so inserting a title page above the first chapter should work fine.



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Choose Print from the File menu. When the dialogue box opens, Save to PDF will be one option (in the lower left corner). Click on it, and it will ask you for a file name. You can also choose where to save the file.


This works in all Mac programs, by the way.

Best, and welcome


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Thank you Marguerite,


I saved the documents as you advised. I could not merge the two PDF's in Preview. I only have Adobe Reader and from my research on line, you need the full Adobe program to merge documents. If that is incorrect, I could use instructions.



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Hi John,


To merge the PDF documents:

  1. Open the PDF for both your manuscript and your title page in Preview.
  2. View the thumbnails (View > Thumbnails) for both documents.
  3. Drag the thumbnail for the title page to the top of the thumbnails in the manuscript thumbnails.
  4. Save the manuscript PDF.


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  • 2 months later...

Steve, I took this advice (inserting a title page above the first chapter should work fine.) and created a style called FADE IN: with a page break above for my Title Page in a single document.


This shifted my page numbers so that the first page of the active script now says 2, etc. instead of "nothing" which I would prefer. I messed around with the numbers and now all the pages say "2".


If you create a title page for a screenplay, is there a way to begin consecutive page numbering with a particular page # in the header of a particular page?




Big Iggy

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