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Keeping my place in the MS


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Hi, loving Storyist bar one thing: when I close the program and open it the next time I'm writing, the manuscript automatically starts at the title page rather than the page where I left off. This was easy to deal with until I started revising; now I spend a long time trying to figure out where I am in the manuscript. I've been through the user guide and can't seem to find the relevant information.


Thank you!



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Hi, loving Storyist bar one thing: when I close the program and open it the next time I'm writing, the manuscript automatically starts at the title page rather than the page where I left off. This was easy to deal with until I started revising; now I spend a long time trying to figure out where I am in the manuscript. I've been through the user guide and can't seem to find the relevant information.


Thank you!



Hi, Kristin:

That shouldn't happen. I just opened my own manuscript, and it put me on exactly the page where I was when I left off yesterday. Sounds like you may have encountered a glitch.


While the Mighty Steve, our developer, is figuring out the problem, one simple workaround (I use this myself, because I tend to click away from where I left off) is to set a bookmark before exiting the program. Then you can snap back to the place where you want to begin revising.


To set a bookmark, click in the text, click on the blue bookmark icon, then type a name. When you open your file, scroll down to the list of bookmarks in the Project View, and click on the one you want. (Hint: bookmarks are also a great way to keep track of places that need revision.)



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Marguerite, you are fantastic. The bookmark idea will work as a quick-fix until I figure out what's happening.


Could it be because I keep my project on Dropbox and use two different computers to work?


Happy Thanksgiving to Marguerite and to the Mighty Steve. Sorry to make you work today. I'm living in Scotland so celebrations are at a minimum, sadly.

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Marguerite, you are fantastic. The bookmark idea will work as a quick-fix until I figure out what's happening.


Could it be because I keep my project on Dropbox and use two different computers to work?


Happy Thanksgiving to Marguerite and to the Mighty Steve. Sorry to make you work today. I'm living in Scotland so celebrations are at a minimum, sadly.

Could be. I don't use Dropbox, so I don't know.


And I'm not working. I'm writing (or procrastinating from writing by checking the forums) and having a great time with it, so no apologies needed.


Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. My family is from Scotland: one half from Glasgow and the other half from Caithness (falling off the northeast tip). Wonderful people, but decidedly clueless about Thanksgiving. :)



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