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Storyist Newbie -- Word Count Question


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Hello! Storyist Newbie here, using it for NaNoWriMo. I'm using both Mac OS and iOS versions, and I have very limited time for writing, so I want to know exactly when I reach 1,667 words each day. I understand the goal-setting, sound effects, etc. but I'm wondering if there is a way to exclude the headers, footers, etc. in the manuscript from your word count. For instance, if my current manuscript is 10 pages long, author+title+pagenumber x 10 pages, plus chapter headings x 2, adds up to 34 extra words that I don't want to count in my word count. Do I need to do that manually?



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Hi Jennifer,




Hello! Storyist Newbie here, using it for NaNoWriMo. I'm using both Mac OS and iOS versions, and I have very limited time for writing, so I want to know exactly when I reach 1,667 words each day. I understand the goal-setting, sound effects, etc. but I'm wondering if there is a way to exclude the headers, footers, etc. in the manuscript from your word count. For instance, if my current manuscript is 10 pages long, author+title+pagenumber x 10 pages, plus chapter headings x 2, adds up to 34 extra words that I don't want to count in my word count. Do I need to do that manually?


The word counter includes chapter titles, but not headers or footers. If you want to remove the chapter titles from the count, you'll need to do that manually. But... why :) The NaNoWriMo validator counts them.


Good luck getting to 50k!



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