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Replace All button in Find and Replace, + shift/Cursor


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I love your app, and have left a 5 star rating for it.


Thanks for the reply on Twitter.


Adding a 'Replace All" button in the find and replace would be a great feature to speed up editing. This would probably need an alert for "Are you sure you want to Replace All? This cannot be undone." but it would speed editing up when you need to change the same name or word in dozens of places.


And thanks for having the cursor keys on top of the keyboard. It really makes typing easier and faster - so much so that I no longer bother with an external keyboard. The onscreen keyboard is almost as fast for me with those cursor keys.


I wonder if it would be possible to use the onscreen iOS shift key and cursor keys in combination to select letters, words, or paragraphs. i.e. holding down the shift key and hitting the cursor key selects one letter at a time. Once an entire word is selected, continuing to hit the cursor key would start selecting additional entire words. If an entire paragraph is selected, then continuing to hit the cursor key while holding the shift key would start selecting entire paragraphs, etc.


Thanks for a great app!

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Hi Mark,


Welcome. And thanks for the 5 star rating!


Adding a "Replace All" button is on the list. Undo shouldn't be a problem. The issue is that the button won't fit on the current Find bar in portrait mode (especially in languages other than English), so it will probably require one of the following:


* A second line in the Find bar.

* A Replace button that offers a Replace/Replace All menu popover.

* A third button ("Find and Replace All" ) in the actions menu.


As for using the Shift key for on-screen key combinations: I wish I could! Apple doesn't expose the key events, so this currently isn't possible. However, it would be possible to make the cursor keys modal. That is, the function (and icon) of the key could change when text is selected. Let me think about this.



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