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Change margins within manuscript page


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Hello all,


I am new to Storyist and working through what feels like a fairly steep learning curve, but know it will be worth it in the end.


My question involves page margins. Just not the standard margins for the manuscript document.


I want to place text in a page of the manuscript that simulates having another document within the manuscript. I thought I could do this within the styles, just set a new style and change the margins for the selected text, but it doesn't seem to have that option. Is there a way to do this within the manuscript styles? Or will it have to be done with images or html/css on the exported document.




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Margins usually apply to an entire document, but you should be able to set styles to indent from left and right.


Do you want the indents to carry over to ePub/Kindle export? That may be trickier, as e-book files are so primitive. That may indeed require post-export editing of the file. Steve has instructions in various forum posts, as well as an ePub tutorial video on the Storyist site (look for How To under Support).


Welcome to the Forums!



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Hi Marguerite!


I had messed around with the indents left and right, it didn't seem to work for what I was going for but I will revisit that method and try again.


I am pretty comfortable coding html and css, so the export may give me flexibility I don't have within the editor itself.


Thanks for your insights and reply. I'm looking forward to diving more in depth into Storyist's robust features.


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Hi again Marguerite,


I tried the indents...


anytime I try to modify the right indent ( no matter what the decimal, i.e 0.0001 ) it basically sends the text in one letter increments down the left margin. No idea what is going on with this. Seems to me like it should be fairly straight forward to select a section of text and create a style that is indented left and right to create a distinction on the page.

Am I missing something (which is possible since this is new software to me)?

Thanks for your thoughts,


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Are you using the iPad version? I do remember there being a bug in one of those that produced exactly the results you describe. But I think Steve fixed it.


I will check tomorrow when I am at my Mac and see if I can reproduce the problem, if not.


Either way, that should not happen, so you may have discovered a new bug.



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Hi Mark,


anytime I try to modify the right indent ( no matter what the decimal, i.e 0.0001 ) it basically sends the text in one letter increments down the left margin. No idea what is going on with this. Seems to me like it should be fairly straight forward to select a section of text and create a style that is indented left and right to create a distinction on the page.

Am I missing something (which is possible since this is new software to me)?


The offsets are from the left edge of the page, so a value of 0.0001 sets a right margin a very tiny distance from the left margin.


You can either use the absolute value (e.g. 7.0 in) or a small negative value (e.g. -0.25 in). Check out the film script template for an example.



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