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Image Sheets

NL Cooley

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Hi, I've been using Storyist for several years now and I love it. However, there is one thing I was wondering about. I like to clip things, like items of clothing or weapons or furniture that my characters would use. Is there any way that I can make one sheet for a character with nothing but images on it. Like one sheet for Chatacter A-Clothing? Or Charater B's weapons? Right now I have to create groups or folders and then a new sheet for each pic.


Thanks, NL

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Hi, NL:

I would do this. In your manuscript, create Character A and drag an image into the image well, to give you a named image of the character. Then click in the text area and choose View > as Storyboard (or click on the rightmost option at the top right). That displays the collage for that card. You can then drag as many alternate images for that character onto the gray area and arrange them as you like.


Depending on how you work, you could have all the choices for Character A, B, C, etc. Or you could have a sheet called Clothing, one called Weapons, or whatever. You could even have Character A - Clothing, Character A - Weapons, etc.


See the attached screen shot for what this would look like.

Best, and welcome to the forums,





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