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Linking Plot Points to multiple section sheets/ scene sheets


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The story I'm working on contains three different plots that converge towards the end of the story. I am attempting to connect different scenes to the correct "plot line" to keep things straight until the convergence point. The problem I'm running into is I when linking a section sheet to a plot point, the application wants me to create the plot point from within the sheet, thus creating a new plot point. I want to be able to link multiple section sheets/ scene sheets to one of three "plot points." Is there a way to do this?


Thanks for any help,


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Hi Jeremy,


There is. To assign a plot point to a section sheet, navigate to the plot point, right-click on the section link, and assign it to the section of your choosing.


You should really be able to do that in the other direction as you were attempting to do. I'll add that to the list.



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Hi JeremyH,


I do have some sheet-related enhancements planned for this summer, though there aren't any dates attached yet.


As a work-around, you could create a text file with your section outline and insert plot point links there. There aren't any restrictions on the number of links in a text file.



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I know this is not the request section in the forum, but since we're already here, will you consider creating a "plot/story thread" sheet in which we can link sections, scenes, and characters? Just an organization idea.




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