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As the days kinda drag their feet on their way to November, I've taken to morphing into something between a pantser and a plotter. A semi plotter. :( And I've decided to share my ridiculousness with everyone else. Aren't you lucky!




This is Gabby. Click her for a full description!

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As the days kinda drag their feet on their way to November, I've taken to morphing into something between a pantser and a plotter. A semi plotter. :( And I've decided to share my ridiculousness with everyone else. Aren't you lucky!

Cute. I like her already! Did you draw her yourself? I am impressed! :)


Desperately writing a dreaded synopsis to try to reconnect with my story,*



* Translation: visiting the forums more than usual in search of distraction--oops, I mean inspiration, of course. :D

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Lady M: Thanks! I sketched her in the car during our road trip and just inked her up on the computer last night. I'm going to try and work on Circe today. I'm just going to keep posting them. They help me flesh the characters out.


Thoth: The world she lives in is completely my own fiction, so while I say "steampunkish" I actually mean "whatever I feel like". :( I suppose there must be some sort of Asianic influences floating around in the world - looking at the costumes I've designed for them, it feels like it fits.

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Thoth: The world she lives in is completely my own fiction, so while I say "steampunkish" I actually mean "whatever I feel like". :( I suppose there must be some sort of Asianic influences floating around in the world - looking at the costumes I've designed for them, it feels like it fits.

If Jules Verne can put nuclear subs in Victorian India, well, why the heck not. And it's nice to see that your cross-country trip inspired you.


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More! (It's only going to get worse, guys!)




Meghan is Gabby's mother. She was a circus performer (a knife thrower) before she met Lamont. She's a bit of a con artist, which is where Gabby gets it from. Gabby also got her insane hair and her freckles, as well as the notion that the world is deeply skewed and in need of fixing.

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You may have a career as a graphic artist in your future. But, at this point, I'm wondering if all this stuff belongs in NaNoWriMo 2008, as opposed to the Writers Lounge. Not that I'm anyone to point a finger.


You don't have to be the offspring of a circus performer to feel the world is deeply skewed but it helps.


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They're my characters for NaNo. I'll stop though.

I don't see the problem with posting them here. They're in their own NaNo thread. And they're under Community, not Storyist, which was the part Steve wanted to keep free of our toenut/ties & corsets/EAO silliness. :(

Nice work, Calli!



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They're my characters for NaNo. I'll stop though.

No. No! Please don't stop. As Lady M just pointed out, they're in your own NaNo thread. And they're characters for your NaNo project. And..and we all think they're cool. So please don't stop.


Oh, me and my big mouth. Must be the pain meds.

So so sorry.


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Ah, no, I'm sorry! I was in a rush out the door this morning and now that I read it my post came across as a bit short - which could be read as hurt or offended. No worries though! And as long as everyone is cool with it, I'll keep posting characters. It sure keeps me in the mindset of my story.


- Calli

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Lamont! What a goofy name, huh? I have no idea where I got it from.

"Lamont is Gabby's father. He is the assistant of the country's top engineer. He knows the city's infrastructure as well as he knows anything, even better than the engineer himself. He makes a point of climbing down into the sewers and up onto scaffolding to check repair jobs. He has a reputation as being impossible to bribe."

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Lamont seems to be very different from Gabby and Meghan.

I like your drawings of your characters. My characters probably lack some depth in comparison to yours. Mine are just like random people you'd meet or pull of the streets (I'm hoping that the reader can accept them as they are without invading their privacy).

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My stories are absolutely character driven. I have next to no plot, so if I don't have strong characters, I have nothing to write. That's just the way I roll though - there have been times I've given up on a piece because I couldn't find the point. It can come around and shoot you in the foot.

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My stories are absolutely character driven. I have next to no plot, so if I don't have strong characters, I have nothing to write. That's just the way I roll though - there have been times I've given up on a piece because I couldn't find the point. It can come around and shoot you in the foot.


Sounds like a good approach. I think my stories tend to be more event driven, but I try to spend a good amount of time on character development. My characters usually draw traits from people I've known. It seems campy, but if I exaggerate a specific trait for each character, it seems to make them easier to write.


Drawing impaired,


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Thoth: I've never met someone named Lamont, no.


Issac: I think I just grew up reading the character building bits of story. Some epic plot device having to do with some great power and blah blah blah, and I skimmed right over it until it got to the "fun stuff" of telling character stories. Some would say I'm lazy, I suppose. :)

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Mm, Fable 2 came in the mail yesterday afternoon, while I was about 95% done with this one. I File > Saved, put the computer to sleep, and haven't gotten back to it until like thirty minutes ago. Video games. Arrgh.





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Circe is the queen - I mentioned her in Gabby's little blurb and that's about it. Most of my good story bits come from my villian, so I don't want to give too much about her away. Feel free to speculate though!


- Calli


(Incidentally, that is where her name came from.)

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Circe is the queen - I mentioned her in Gabby's little blurb and that's about it. Most of my good story bits come from my villian, so I don't want to give too much about her away. Feel free to speculate though!


- Calli


(Incidentally, that is where her name came from.)

She certainly looks villainous. Is she missing an arm? Does that explain her vicious nature? Hard to see her as a siren, though.


Poor Megan and Lamont, to fall foul of her! But I suppose Gabby needs motivation. :)

Keep up the good work,


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