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(Fluffy white snowball coming your way, Fiz.)



And you. (I think I may have caught a stomach flu.)

- Thoth


Hope you are feeling better!

I think that a fluffy white snow ball is just the right amount of snow.


It is about the same size of the oranges I am growing on my patio. And strawberries. Wild, just wild.

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Orren, Thoth and Marguerite:




I went back today and started reading the draft from the beginning and notes I took over the last 9 months as I was brewing it and it really ignited a whole new energy for it and ideas, ideas, ideas!


I'm not sure how I will settle into my own process, I do like the process of reading at night and taking some notes and then sleeping on it so my brain can work out details while I sleep...

and then editing a little the previous work to get into the swing of it that day. And notes for the next session of what I plan to do or see happening...

So many yummy nuggets to chew on and try.


My other outlets of creative expression (painting, design for stage, screen, events) have very different time lines and processes for the work and this long fiction is really quite the long term relationship (wonderful) as opposed to the serial dater I have been creatively...


Thanks so much- you have all really been helpful... REALLY helpful.


Fiz on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a manuscript for a sci-fi novel that I'm about 29,000 words into at this moment, and my goal is to be finished by July 2011. ...If I can write about 2,000 words/week I can probably do it.


Well, I'm not terribly off my mark. It's been about 6 weeks since I wrote that, which would mean I should have written about 12,000 words, putting me at about 41,000 words.


As of this evening, I'm at just over 41,000 words. I won't be writing much if anything for the rest of the week, as the NAMM show takes priority. But at least I've been keeping up until now!



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I haven't written much lately, or done any kind of work really, due to an illness that is now passing. (Honestly, for a while there it was coming out of both ends. Sir Percy would have taken me for a poison spewing two-headed monster and would have put me out of my misery.) But definitely feeling better now. I'll probably even go shopping for groceries Monday or Tuesday (if it doesn't snow again). I may even get back to writing.


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Well, he might have, except that Sir P was in no better shape. ;) Definitely one of the nastier viruses I have encountered in my time. It knocked my productivity into the dumpster too.


Finally got back on track yesterday, and hoping for good things in the new year.


Glad to hear you're feeling better!


Congratulations, Orren,


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Well, I'm not terribly off my mark. It's been about 6 weeks since I wrote that, which would mean I should have written about 12,000 words, putting me at about 41,000 words.


As of this evening, I'm at just over 41,000 words. I won't be writing much if anything for the rest of the week, as the NAMM show takes priority. But at least I've been keeping up until now!





thanks for the inspiration ( or the firing of my competitive side)!

way to go!

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Sending vibes of radiant health to the east.


and after a few weeks of just picking at my manuscript, I got back into a swing today...



I just heard this draft referred to as a "don't look down draft" from wile e. coyote being on the line over the canyon and doing fine until he looks down...

I was looking down.... looking back up now...

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Sending vibes of radiant health to the east.


When you mentioned you were West, I took a look at your location. It seems a few of us are here in Cali! (Steve, you, me, maybe others who don't post as much). I don't think I've ever been to Vista, but I believe I saw it mentioned on a freeway sign when the wife and I drove from Orange County to Comic Con in San Diego (we are card carrying geeks, the both of us!)


I just heard this draft referred to as a "don't look down draft" from wile e. coyote being on the line over the canyon and doing fine until he looks down...

I was looking down.... looking back up now...


It's easy to get intimidated when you're in the middle. I do all the time, with every book I've written! But stick it out! The feeling of accomplishment when you can look back at a finished draft is worth it—and once you've got as far in as you've gotten, it's not that far to the other side anymore! :)


Take care,


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