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My Official Word Count Announcement Thread


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Ten hours of typing (off and on) since this morning has put me at 5115 words. Well ahead of my plans for today. I figured on longer and more frequent breaks, so that breaking 5000 would take until midnight. Happy to be wrong.


And now...dinner.

- Thoth

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M: I managed 1,600—a beginning!

A good one. If you can do 5000 words over any 3-day period you're right on target.


TAS: Day 3 ends with 5773

You're ahead of me, buddy. Go TAS Go!


Calli: I used to be the NaNo Queen.

Reminds me of that 1984 Tina Turner song, "I Might Have Been Queen", from her Private Dancer album. Now I'm going to have it running through my head all day. But remember, there's still 26 days to go. We've all just barely begun. By the end of it all, odds are you'll still be The NaNo Queen. (And TAS will be your King. :) )


The NaNo site is running a little faster today. Perhaps it's the time of day.

It's raining in NYC. All day, supposedly. Good writing weather.


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A good one. If you can do 5000 words over any 3-day period you're right on target.



You're ahead of me, buddy. Go TAS Go!



Reminds me of that 1984 Tina Turner song, "I Might Have Been Queen", from her Private Dancer album. Now I'm going to have it running through my head all day. But remember, there's still 26 days to go. We've all just barely begun. By the end of it all, odds are you'll still be The NaNo Queen. (And TAS will be your King. :) )


The NaNo site is running a little faster today. Perhaps it's the time of day.

It's raining in NYC. All day, supposedly. Good writing weather.



It's raining like crazy here in MD too. I agree, writing while it's raining is almost therapeutic.

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Just hit 10012.

I missed the 11:59pm posting deadline yesterday. Too busy writing into the wee hours.

Combining yesterday and today, I broke 11,000 words. This puts me 1000 words ahead of schedule.


I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.


- Thoth

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And Callista, despite her self-proclaimed doldrums, is chugging along.


It would be different if I was just whipping out a new story, like I should be. I wasn't going to do NaNo at all this year, saying that I really needed to work on revising last years. My friends convinced me that I could try to finish the second draft this month.


It is so. Slow.


I wrote, honestly wrote, for six hours last night, and got roughly 2000 words.



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And I'm 8k behind! :)

Me, too. The computer was telling me that at my present rate I could expect to finish on Feb. 28. After a weekend sprint, it's brought me forward to Dec. 31. :) Congrats to you, though, TAS.



Have resigned myself to the idea that my only hope of finishing is to tell my editors not to expect any work from me until Dec. THAT will go down well!


Ah, the hardest part of NaNo: keeping it in perspective.

Trudging uphill,


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Yesterday I reached just two words short of 13,000 before my fingers gave out. Unfortunately, today I've been unable to push ahead. The words just aren't coming. So I spent the morning diddling around with the outline I worked so hard on in October. Truth to tell, I'm barely following it. I guess I'm just an irredeemable pantser at heart.


Have resigned myself to the idea that my only hope of finishing is to tell my editors not to expect any work from me until Dec. THAT will go down well!

I cleared the decks as much as I could last month so I'd have more time to do this without pushing back paying work. I know it's not easy. And things always come up. ("We'd like to see the design in 5th Normal Form." "Why? Your specifications call for 3NF." "Yeah, but the boss wants it for a presentation slide." "Is he going to talk about it? Does he want notes?" "No. He's probably just going to flash past it so he doesn't want to be charged for the extra work. But send the notes anyway, with bullet points.")


Ah, the hardest part of NaNo: keeping it in perspective.

I've given up on that.

Perspective pershmective.

- Thoth

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I've been back from my trip for 2 days and all my unrealistic thoughts of writing everyday turned out to be just as laughable as it seems now.



And, I also thought I would just jump back in and just zip out a few thousand words and be all caught up... no need to write fantasy, I live it.


So, my count this moment is 3394...


Guess I'll just keep on writing. I do want to know who shows up next and what they do...

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Guess I'll just keep on writing. I do want to know who shows up next and what they do...

Ah. Another Pantser.

Writing is more fun for us than for the Plotters.


My ray of hope is that I was able to do 50K words in 30 days last year, when I had even less time than this year, so I know it's not a fantasy.


Tripping/typing the light fantastic...

- Thoth

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Ah. Another Pantser.

Writing is more fun for us than for the Plotters.


My ray of hope is that I was able to do 50K words in 30 days last year, when I had even less time than this year, so I know it's not a fantasy.


Tripping/typing the light fantastic...

- Thoth



Hehe. Pants.

I have a plot, but now as I write, it just doesn't seem as much fun when it's all planned out...

-right FUN.


I like fun.

And you asked about the fiz- it first came about from a business of mine, but I've got some fiz. red curly hair too... I'm hoping and praying that my fiz can get me caught up...

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Hehe. Pants.

As in "writing by the seat of your pants".

M made that up. She's such a clever one.


I have a plot, but now as I write, it just doesn't seem as much fun when it's all planned out...

-right FUN.

I like fun.

I know exactly what you mean. I've been told by experts that just because you have fun writing it doesn't mean others will have fun reading it. Nevertheless, that's the way I'm betting.


And you asked about the fiz- it first came about from a business of mine, but I've got some fiz. red curly hair too... I'm hoping and praying that my fiz can get me caught up...

Thanks for the info Carrot Top.

(A fiz business? Did it fizzle?)


Keep on fizzing.


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As in "writing by the seat of your pants".

M made that up. She's such a clever one.



I know exactly what you mean. I've been told by experts that just because you have fun writing it doesn't mean others will have fun reading it. Nevertheless, that's the way I'm betting.



Thanks for the info Carrot Top.

(A fiz business? Did it fizzle?)


Keep on fizzing.



Thanks. Got my fiz on.

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